Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bonne année

This past year has flown by (especially the last few months) and it may not have been the greatest. I've hit a few bumps and snags along the way but I'm still hopeful for the next. I do hope to change this year a bit more but only time will tell. Every year I try to decide on twenty goals for the new year and this year is just the same. So here they are, in no particular order, twenty fabulous goals for 2014 I hope to accomplish!

1. Complete a reading goal of 30 books (Goodreads)
2. Learn 10 new recipes
3. Set an exercise schedule
4. Go to bed earlier; wake up earlier
5. Learn to sew more clothing
6. Visit the beach
7. Go on a thrifting adventure
8. Write more letters
9. Fill a notebook
10. Pay off credit card
11. Purchase a new garter belt
12. Go on a date
13. Create an inspiration journal
14. Take up yoga
15. Drink more water
16. Set aside money each month
17. Meet friends once a month for a get together
18. Keep a food journal monthly
19. Work on flexibility
20. Write!

I am focused on documenting my completed goals and, over the next few days, I will be expanding on a few. I've added a few new goals and brought a couple from last year that I would still love to complete. I cannot wait to start!
